Natural Ingredients that would make your skin glow!
October 6, 2018
Feed, Fortify and Finish
March 24, 2019

We are constantly hearing about the newest and greatest trends in our industry.  If you did a search for the best skin treatment therapy you are sure to discover laser techniques, chemical peels, light therapy and so many more.  It is truly overwhelming!  I am not suggesting that those treatments are not beneficial because they are.  However, the answer is truly and simply, regular facials.

Unfortunately, getting a facial is commonly seen as something you do only when you want to treat yourself, or as a luxury service whose benefits are reserved for only the rich and famous who can afford it.  Lets face it; they can be a bit pricey.  But take a moment to consider where your money is spent instead.  Are facials really more expensive in the long run?

A staggering amount of pollution, dirt, grime, and dead skin accumulates on the face.  This build up is an unavoidable fact of life.  We can do the best we can to keep the skin clean, but it is not always enough.  Many advocates compare getting a facial to going to the dentist.  We brush our teeth, floss when we remember, and still acknowledge the importance of going to the dentist for a regular deep clean.  Keeping up with dentist appointments saves us a lot of money down the road.  A root canal is hundreds of dollars more than a regular cleaning.  Like our teeth, the skin needs to be evaluated and cleansed by a trained professional every so often to maintain a healthy complexion.  An esthetician should be seen as the dentist for our skin.  Getting facials on a regular basis, even once every few months or year, will save you from needless spending in the future.

The best part about getting a facial is that the results are instant.  Rarely do you come across a skin treatment or product that lives up to your high expectations.  After just one facial, you will see an immediate improvement in the appearance of your skin.

So Book an Appointment today and see what we can do for you and your skin!

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